Well, it is Christmas Eve, and I'm waiting for my kids to go to bed. I still have much to do and miles to go before I sleep ( and miles to go before I sleep ), but I thought I'd take a break while the coffee is brewing ( yes, that much to do. ) and blog a bit.
I haven't blogged since my birthday, and I plan on making up for it tonight, as I will be staying up very late.... not wrapping gifts, not cooking a huge meal... but doing laundry. YES. Laundry.
You see, I got this crazy idea while I was taking a shower last week (all my big ideas seem to hit me when I'm in the shower... I have no idea why... ) to make each of my kids rag quilts for Christmas. Not that I had anything else to do, or any other projects to finish....
So, I gathered up my fabric and set to making quilts.s I have two completed, and ready to wrap. I need to finish Whitney's tonight... I still need to fringe it, wash it, and dry it. I'm looking at a good 4 hours of work after they all go to bed. Yeah, I'm nuts.
Most (normal) people would say ' forget it' and just not finish it for Christmas at this point. But, I am SO CLOSE!! And I have put SO MUCH TIME into it already with the other two.... I must finish it. It is the OCD in me....
Anyway, while the quilt is washing and drying, I'm going to try to compress the last month of blogs I've missed into a bunch of little snippets of the Burns's life.
My friend, Frannie, said she noticed I haven't posted in a while. I said, "well, actually, I 've written many blog posts in my head in the shower, but by the time I am out, dried, and able to blog, I'm off in another direction. "
So... stay tuned. I'll be back later tonight... until then, as I'm sure you have nothing better to do, have fun looking at this year's Burns Family Christmas Photo.....