Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I've got Whitney's quilt in the dryer... looks like I can go to bed very soon....
And, it looks like the Burns kids are going to have a very, very , nice Christmas.
Merry Christmas, everyone... God Bless....
Suzi Claus
The Christmas Crunch

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
You Say It's Your Birthday....
2. He took the day off to spend with me.
3. I got 3 homemade cards from my little homeschool kids, professing thier love for me.
4. My kids gave me huge hugs and kisses upon waking up.
5. Veronica gifted me with a gorgeous scarf, some yummy candles, and a gift card to Michaels... all in a seriously cool retro bowl.
6. Allison dropped off my favorite coffee and some biscotti.. and a hysterical card.
7. Heather stopped in, gave me a touching handwritten card, and some of her favorite lip balm ( which is now MY favorite lip balm, too!)
8. I went to lunch with my husband, the love of my life.
9. ... and I drank a Cosmopolitan at 11:30.
10. I took a short nap.
11. I got to sit in our front room while I listened to the kids argue over who was going to frost my birthday cake, and while Bryan tried to mediate. ( ie... " Dad! Kellie is icing the whole thing! That's not fair!" "Well, YOU stuck your finger in the icing and licked it..." " Jackson! Dont burp on the cake!" " NO!! I'M doing the sprinkles!" " THAT IS ENOUGH SUGAR!!!" " NO... I want it to be the color of my bedroom..." " MOM!!!!! Whitney isn't giving me the knife!!!"
13. The kids tried to put 4o candles on the cake, but only had 24, so I TRIED to blow them all out, and they laughed when I couldnt.
12. I ate cake with my family... it was warm, and yummy, and VERY sugary.
14. My sister called, and my little niece played "Happy Birthday" for me on the piano... specially learned for this special day.
15. My in-laws called to wish me well.
16. I got a TON of birthday wishes from old friends from my highschool and college days.. who I miss.
17. My kids made me homemade cards telling me how much they love me, and containing coupons for 'free back rubs for a week', promises to 'sleep in my own bed for 2 days in a row ( and that is a while for me ) ", 'I'll make your bed for a week.", 'you pick a job for me to do and I'll do it." Priceless cards.... I'll keep them safe somewhere to read when they are adults and I miss my babies.....
At the end of the day... I crawled into a warm bed to a sleeping husband and thought to myself....
"Family, Friends, Health.... cake that's been burped on by an 8 yr old..... all these simple things in my life that have made me so happy today.....
.....yeah.... 40 is fabulous"
Monday, November 17, 2008
$25,000 a year for this...
Certainly a far cry from the formal, classical studies I found myself in at Susquehanna University. Check out my ABC bling. Mr. Magnus and Mr. Stretansky would probably be breathing into paper bags if they saw this. Certainly not formal. Certainly not a classical approach. But learning is going on. So is laughing. And singing. And dancing.
And a bit of cheesy puppeteering. That handsome gentleman is Johann Inmabach. ( pronounced Yo- han In- Mah- Bacchhhk) --- because it is.
I love that she is improving her game. I love to watch her become an awesome soccer player. I LOVE that she loves the sport. This season was an awesome season personally for Whitney. She loved the girls on her team. She scored a few goals. She took her practices seriously. She got faster. She honed her skills. In short, she worked her behind off. And she became a better player because of it.
It helped to have such an awesome coach.
Even if it was her own Dad.
4 is the new 2
These days, however, it is quite "IN" to wear glasses. So, when Dr. Gore told Kellie Sue that she needed a bit of optical help, she was elated. Excited. Overjoyed.
I don't ever remember looking this adorable in my spectacles... in fact, I don't think I ever did.
She wears them more than she needs to... and I've caught her reading ...something I'd never thought I'd see. It used to be quite a chore to get her to pick up a book. Now she loves it. THANK YOU DR. GORE!!
Oh, and what is even more exciting to her is that now she looks even MORE like her Mama....
Mini-Me and me.....
One more post before....
These are little cupcakes that I've been making recently. They are selling like hotcakes. I'm loving creating these tiny treasures. They all look just so.... so.... YUMMY.
I think what I like the most about these is that I can have as many as I want and none of their sweet goodness goes to my rear end. :)
But seriously, aren't they just so cute?
Next project, after the Christmas gifts are finished, is a knitted DOUGHNUT......a powdered sugar one ......