Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voice of Democracy

Today for a brief moment, I held the future of the United States of America in my hands.

Today I voted. I stood in line and cast my votes for my choices for the leaders of my country.
I stood in line and thought of how lucky I am to live in a country that allows me to choose. How lucky I am that I have a voice in shaping the future for my children. How lucky I am to be a citizen of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Today I made choices. I chose based on faith, based on values, based on what I feel is best for my family and my children and my country. I hope I chose well. I know I chose with a peaceful heart and a sincere desire to do what is right for all.


I am proud of our country. I am proud that we have men and women who are willing to fight for our freedoms and pay the ultimate sacrifice in order to keep our country free and our children's future secure. They are the souls of liberty. Those men and women, those soldiers of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.... have stepped out on freedoms ledge, knowing they could fall, but believing in our country and accepting it as their duty. I believe it is OUR duty to support them, and not let their sacrifices be in vain. And, should any of my children choose this calling,I will be worried for them, scared for them; but I will be behind them, waving our flag, saluting their courage and honoring their choice.

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